Companies Circulars

SNo Particulars Circular Date
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 489 items in 10 pages
1 General Circular No.07/2024 Circular 17/07/2024
2 General Circular No.06/2024 Circular 16/07/2024
3 General Circular No.05/2024 Circular 06/07/2024
4 General Circular No.04 Circular 04/07/2024
5 General Circular No.03/2024 Circular 07/05/2024
6 General Circular No.02/2024 Circular 19/02/2024
7 General Circular No.01/2024 Circular 07/02/2024
8 General Circular No.09/2023-Clarification Circular 25/09/2023
9 General Circular No.08/2023 Circular 23/08/2023
10 General Circular No.07/2023 Circular 12/07/2023
11 General Circular No.06/2023 Circular 21/06/2023
12 General Circular No.04-2023 Circular 21/02/2023
13 General Circular No.03/2023-Extension Circular 07/02/2023
14 General Circular No.05/2023-Filing Circular 22/01/2023
15 General Circular No.02/2023-Filing of Forms GNL-2 Circular 09/01/2023
16 General Circular No.01/2023-Release Plan of 45 company e-Forms in MCA 21 Version 3.0-reg. Circular 09/01/2023
17 General Circular No.10/2022-Clarification of holding of Annual General Meeting (AGM) through Video Conference (VC) or Other Audio Visual Means (OAVM)-reg. Circular 28/12/2022
18 General Circular No.09/2022-Extension of time for filing e-form DIR-3 KYC and web-form DIR-3 KYC WEB without fee upto 15.10.2022 Circular 28/09/2022
19 General Circular No.11/2022-Clarification on passing of Ordinary and Special resolutions by the companies under the Companies Act, 2013 read with rules made thereunder on account of COVID-19-Extention of timeline-reg. Circular 28/09/2022
20 General Circular No.08/2022-Clarification on spending of CSR fund for Har Ghar Tiranga campaign - reg. Circular 26/07/2022
21 General Circular No.07/2022-Further relaxation in paying additional fee in case delay Circular 29/06/2022
22 General Circular No.06/2022-Relaxation in paying additional fees in case of delay in Circular 31/05/2022
23 General Circular No.05/2022-Micro Finance/Micro Credit as an object in the Object Circular 30/05/2022
24 General Circular No.04/2022-Relaxation in paying additional fees in case of delay in Circular 27/05/2022
25 General Circular No.03/2022-Clarification on passing of Ordinary and Special Circular 05/05/2022
26 General Circular No.02/2022-Clarification of holding of Annual General Meeting (AGM) Circular 05/05/2022
27 General Circular No.01/2022-Relaxation on levy of additional fees in filing of e-forms Circular 14/02/2022
28 General Circular No.22/2021 Circular 29/12/2021
29 General Circular No.20/2021-Clarification on passing of Ordinary and Special resolutions by the companies under the Companies Act, 2013 read with rules made thereunder on account of COVID-19-Extention of timeline-reg. Circular 08/12/2021
30 General Circular No.19/2021-Clarification of holding of Annual General Meeting (AGM) through Video Conference (VC) or Other Audio Visual Means (OAVM)-reg. Circular 08/12/2021
31 General Circular No.17/2021-Relaxation on levy of additional fees in filing of e-forms AOC-4, AOC-4 (CFS), AOC-4, AOC-4 XBRL AOC-4 Non-XBRL and MGT-7/MGT-7A for the financial year ended on 31.03.2021 under the Companies Act, 2013 Circular 29/10/2021
32 General Circular No.16/2021-Relaxations in paying additional fees in case of delay in filing Form 8 (the Statement of Account and Solvency) by Limited Liability Partnerships upto 30th December, 2021. Circular 26/10/2021
33 General Circular No.15/2021-Extension of last date of filing of Cost Audit Report to the Board of Directors under Rule 6(5) of the Companies (Cost Records and Audit) Rules 2014-reg Circular 27/09/2021
34 General Circular No.14/2021-Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) -reg. Circular 25/08/2021
35 General Circular No.13/2021-Clarification on spending of CSR fund for COVID-19 vaccination - reg. Circular 30/07/2021
36 Relaxation of time for filing forms related to creation or modification of charges Circular 30/06/2021
37 Relaxation on levy of additional fees in filing of certain Forms under the Companies Act, 2013 Circular 30/06/2021
38 Clarification on passing of ordinary and special resolutions by companies under the Companies Act, Circular 23/06/2021
39 Clarification on offsetting the excess CSR spent for FY 2019-20 Circular 20/05/2021
40 Clarification on spending of CSR funds for ‘creating health infrastructure for COVID care Circular 05/05/2021
41 Relaxation of time for filing forms related to creation or modification of charges under Circular 03/05/2021
42 Gap between two board meetings under section 173 of the Companies Act, 2013 (CA-13) – Clarification Circular 03/05/2021
43 Relaxation of time for filing certain forms under the Companies Act, 2013. Circular 03/05/2021
44 Clarification on spending of CSR funds for setting up temporary COVID Care facilities and makeshift Circular 22/04/2021
45 Relaxation of additional fee in filing all AOC-4 e-forms Circular 28/01/2021
46 Scheme for condonation of delay for companies restored during Dec 2020 u/s 252 of the CA 2013 Circular 15/01/2021
47 Clarification on holding of AGM through VC other OAVM Circular 13/01/2021
48 Clarification on spending of CSR funds for Awareness and public outreach on COVID-19 Vaccination Circular 13/01/2021
49 Clarification on passing of ordinary and special resolutions by companies under the Companies Act,20 Circular 31/12/2020
50 Relaxation of additional fees and extension of last date of filing of CRA-4 (form for filing Circular 01/12/2020